Your New York Football Giants!

Your New York Football Giants!

Notwithstanding the title (congrats Zach!), this is a serious post. My blogging hiatus deserves explanation...

Everybody says that the enthusiasm for housebuilding projects wanes at some point - hitting-the-wall kinda thing, I guess. I dont think it has at all for me, or that it will. But theres no question that the toll of this on all the regular life stuff that should be getting done is adding up. Im back at school, Sarah is back at work (nights) after a three-month maternity leave, money is tight, nobodys getting enough sleep - and thats all WITHOUT dealing with the house. So for me, the issue becomes one of balancing: getting out there to the house to do the (really pretty satisfying) work of finishing things up, or carrying my weight at home. As much as Sarah thinks this will be a great thing to have done, theres not a whole lot of it thats gratifying for her day-to-day. I take off for a few days, shes home with the boys, I (finally) finish the deck and Im thrilled with the whole "I did that" self-absorption that motivates much of this project, and shes, needless to say, not nearly as impressed by the whole experience as I am. (The same can be said for my blogging, of course...)

So the house (and blogging) have been taking a backseat for a bit. Im still getting out there, but only occasionally. But Ive got lots of things to blog about, so Ill be getting some more posts up soon.

Your New York Football Giants!

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