Lazy Bones

Lazy Bones

While I slave away on drywall, Mookie - who isnt allowed on furniture at home - snuck onto the bed:

I got out here to some COLD weather and the heat in the house was set to a toasty 48 degrees. Just now getting comfortable.

I put the table together:

Sarah is home with the boys, and I think they are going to head out here on Sunday (when it is supposed to really warm up - 60s!). The rest of my cedar comes tomorrow - so sanding, staining, and hanging drywall for the next couple of days...

Oh, and my new iPhone (thanks Mom!) is shuffling through Built to Spill, Wilco, Radiohead and Pavement. I always love when other folks post what theyre listening to while they work, so there you go.

Lazy Bones

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